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Messages - Vortrex

This has been moved to my basic resources repository:
General Chat / Re: Server List Rules
June 25, 2022, 04:56:50 PM
The server listing rules have been updated to change the second rule, and remove one of the notes in the second section. Passed team vote on 25 JUNE 2022.

Server spam or listing multiple entries for the same or similar servers.
Server spam
Removed note:
The second rule above does not include the same servers for different games. This means that if you run server for 2 or more games that have the same name and information, it does not violate this rule.
Probably the "Great Firewall of China"
Module Releases / Terminal Bell Module
May 18, 2022, 10:23:42 PM
This is a simple terminal bell module for those who want to use it for their server. Most of the functions have been lightly tested, but if you run into any issues please report them on the GitHub issues page for the repository.


Place into your server's "modules" folder and put "<module src="module_folder_name/module_file_name" />" into the modules section of your server XML. Be sure to include the folder your modules are stored in (it's relative to the main server directory) and do not include a file extension.
    <module src="modules/mod_bell" />

JavaScript Example:
if(chatMessage.indexOf("!admin") != -1) {

Available Functions:
bool = module.bell.ring(void);
Module Releases / SMTP Module
May 18, 2022, 10:21:41 PM
This is a simple SMTP module for those who want to use it for their server. Most of the functions have been lightly tested, but if you run into any issues please report them on the GitHub issues page for the repository.


Place into your server's "modules" folder and put "<module src="<I>module_folder_name/module_file_name</I>" />" into the modules section of your server XML. Be sure to include the folder your modules are stored in (it's relative to the main server directory) and do **not** include a file extension.
    <module src="modules/mod_smtp" />

JavaScript Example:
module.smtp.send(", 465, true, "yourusername", "yourpassword", "[email protected]", "Firstname Lastname", "Testing", "Testing the email module!", "[email protected]", "Firstname Lastname");
Available Functions:
void module.smtp.send(string host, int port, bool useTLS, string smtpUser, string smtpPassword, string toEmail string toName, string subject, string body, string fromEmail, string fromName);
General Chat / Re: Server List Rules
May 03, 2022, 03:33:20 AM
The server listing rules have been updated to change the first server rule and add a note in the second section to explain. Passed team vote on 02 MAY 2022.

Any modified server executables or other third party tools that have the capability to add servers to the server list.
Any modified server executables or other third party tools that have the capability to add servers or fake/misleading info to the server list.
New Note:
False/misleading info as mentioned in the first entry of the list is any false or altered information that might mislead players. This includes (but is not limited to): altered player count and/or list to add fake players, changed server version number found in rules section at the bottom in the launcher and generally anything else that any third-party, modified server, or custom tool could intercept and/or relay false data from.
This has been added and awaiting the next update.
Topic closed.
Suggestions / Re: GTA IV Problem ASI Loader
February 12, 2022, 11:34:56 PM
The only IV mod that GTAC officially supports is ZolikaMenu/ZMenu. Because of GTAC's anticheat, most other mods probably won't work, and any that manage to start may not work as intended.
Scripting Releases / [JS] Server name changer
October 22, 2021, 03:11:03 PM
Script was moved to my essentials resource page

So client.index is available now but it's still inconsistent with the other uses for syncer.

For example, when triggering a network event for an element's syncer you use the client object itself in the args (meaning you still have to use a loop to get which client's index matches element.syncer), but when setting it's syncer you have to use the client's index instead.
Archive / Re: Server ARM builds
August 26, 2021, 12:03:58 AM
Jack announced in July 2020 that the GTAC server will be available for Raspberry PI, but hasn't released one yet.

I'll ask him and see if we can get it available for the next update.

Topic locked.
Archive / Re: Ped enter/exit vehicle event client-side
August 25, 2021, 11:53:06 PM
This has been added. Topic locked.
Archive / Re: Suggestions
August 25, 2021, 11:49:00 PM
Mex is working on some of these items at the moment, but I wanted to explain the chat message limit.

There was a recent update that split the networking into a new thread, so the FPS being dropped on large messages shouldn't be an issue now.

I don't think we're going to limit chat messages directly. Currently the chatbox will cause some vertical text overlap when a long message goes multi-line, but we'll fix that so it displays correctly. If a server wants to limit chat messages, they will need to use a slice/substr of the chat message in an OnPlayerChat scripting event. We'll also update the wiki with info on how many characters can fit on one line.
Archive / Re: New properties
August 25, 2021, 11:43:30 PM
This has been added. Topic locked
Archive / Re: Money inc/dec animation
August 24, 2021, 03:27:34 AM
This has been added as player.storedMoney, which is the end result of the money being animated/transitioned, and player.displayedMoney which is the current value in the transition while it's animating.

Topic locked.