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Messages - Vortrex

I have updated my modules. They are now architecture specific, so if you're using a 64 bit server, use the 64 bit module
General Chat / Re: Server List Rules
December 08, 2020, 04:12:04 PM
The server listing rules have been amended to add a new rule. Passed team vote on 08 December, 2018

Scripting Releases / [JS] SUMO/Derby Gamemode
August 31, 2020, 08:02:16 PM
Here's a simple SUMO/Derby gamemode.

Works for any game, but maps are only included for GTA III and GTA San Andreas.

The goal is to be the last player alive! Use your vehicle and knock off or destroy all your opponents vehicles to win!

Bots spawn at match start to fill empty slots, and will attempt to block your vehicle or ram you.


This source is free for anybody to use as they see fit. You can freely modify, copy, and redistribute it.

Credits aren't required, but are greatly appreciated.
Scripting Releases / Re: [SQ] FPS Command
August 30, 2020, 01:07:41 PM
Good work, but I recommend using the OnRender event instead of OnProcess">
Archive / Re: Server properties
August 30, 2020, 01:01:22 PM
These have been added for the next version (1.2.0)

Topic locked
Suggestions / Re: '[TIMEOUT]' problem
April 20, 2020, 06:27:39 PM
You can do the autoreconnect already, using a client script within the resources folder of the GTAC install directory.

Here's the resource:
Module Releases / GeoIP Module
March 14, 2020, 10:55:56 AM
Here is a GeoIP module for those who want to use it for their server.


First you'll need an MMDB database file from MaxMind. You'll need to make an account, receive a license key, and then download the database file (it's free). After you have the database file, copy/upload to your server, and use the name for it in the file arg for the GeoIP functions below. Directory starts with the main server folder, but relative paths are supported.

Place into your server's "modules" folder and put "<module src="mod_geoip" />" into the modules section of your server XML. Be sure to include the name of your modules folder (it's relative to the main server directory) and do **not** include an extension. It should look similar to this:
    <module src="modules/mod_geoip" />

JavaScript Example
addEventHandler("OnPlayerJoined", function(event, client) {
let countryName = module.geoip.getCountryName("geoip-city.mmdb", client.ip);
console.log( + " connected from " + countryName);

Lua Example
addEventHandler("OnPlayerJoined", function(event, client)
local countryISO = module.geoip.getCountryName("geoip-city.mmdb", client:ip)
print(client:name .. " connected from " .. countryName)

All functions below return strings.
// Country info
module.geoip.getCountryName(string dbFile, string ipAddress)
module.geoip.getCountryISO(string dbFile, string ipAddress)

// Continent info
module.geoip.getContinentName(string dbFile, string ipAddress)
module.geoip.getContinentCode(string dbFile, string ipAddress)

// For states, provinces, etc
module.geoip.getSubdivisionName(string dbFile, string ipAddress)
module.geoip.getSubdivisionISO(string dbFile, string ipAddress)

// Misc
module.geoip.getCityName(string dbFile, string ipAddress)
module.geoip.getPostalCode(string dbFile, string ipAddress)
Module Releases / Re: Hashing Module
March 14, 2020, 10:33:30 AM
  • Renamed mod to mod_hashing to support both GTAC and TRML
Module Releases / Re: MySQL Module
March 14, 2020, 10:32:10 AM
  • Renamed the module to mod_mysql to support both GTAC and TRML
Archive / Re: [SA/UG] Snow for GTA SA
March 11, 2020, 04:19:08 PM
This has been added to GTA SA. Topic locked.
Archive / [ADDED] Server properties
February 21, 2020, 04:00:36 PM
We could use some more server properties. I know some have to be read-only, but it'd be nice to see as many as possible being writable. Some ideas:server.password


server.setCVar(name, value)
server.getCVar(name, val)
Clans / Re: Liberty City Killers
February 21, 2020, 03:56:13 PM
Awesome. Welcome to GTA Connected, LCK clan!
General Chat / Wiki Page Templates
January 24, 2020, 02:22:11 PM
The GTA Connected wiki provides several templates to make adding and editing pages easier. Below are a list of commonly used templates with descriptions of accepted values and information. Any field that is indicated as required must be provided or the wiki page will show that documentation for it wasn't added. Please don't leave any pages you add or edit with blank or missing required template values.


the property name ... this is only the name, don't use quotes or include the parent object
what the property returns as a type (int, string, etc)
Boolean indicating whether or not this property's value can be set
Explain what the property does if it's value is set, and what is returned if the value is only read
Explain what the property returns if used as a getter
Any extra information that scripters should be aware of goes here.


The method name ... this is only the name, don't use quotes or parentheses
What the method returns as a type (int, string, etc)
explain what the method does when used
explain what the method returns. Use void if it doesn't return anything
Any extra information that scripters should be aware of goes here.
first argument as [type name description]. Example: "string dataName The string name of the data."
Same as parameter1 but with the second parameter's information
Same as parameter1 but with the third parameter's information
General Chat / Wiki Editing
January 24, 2020, 06:27:27 AM
On January 24, 2020 the GTAC team has decided to make the wiki editable to approved users so that the community can submit examples and documentation for scripting. The wiki has templates available to make adding a page easy. More info available for these on this forum topic.

In order to maintain a clean and accurate wiki, the following rules have been created:
  • Pages created must be named for the top-most level of inheritance (example: would be
  • Do not create pages for functions/properties/etc that don't exist.
  • No spam or irrelevant/unrelated information
  • Arguments must be listed with accurate types and easy to understand names
  • No discriminatory information or insult

Inheritance heirarchy and variable types can be found   here

Discriminatory information as listed above includes (but is not limited to) any derogatory or negative mention of the basis of race, color, religion, creed, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status.
Archive / Re: Console Input
January 24, 2020, 05:33:37 AM
This was added in server 1.1.18.

Enabled by default. Use -noinput as a command arg to disable it on server startup.

Topic locked.