Basic Set Of Commands For ViceCity (v-lemonscommands)

Started by Squishylemon, August 23, 2022, 09:07:06 AM

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This is a very basic set of commands made for my server in Vice City, though I felt like making it public! Although I intend to update this set of commands in the future, you can check out the base download by visiting If you do so, commands might work on the other games, though I have not tested. From what I know, the money commands should work on GTA: 3 and GTA: SA!

It includes commands such as

--------------------------------- Money Commands (most likely work on GTA:3 and GTA:SA) GTA 4 employs a distinct function.
/setmoney amount||id> (Sets the client who executed the command to the amount)
/addmoney amount||id> (Adds the money from the client who executed the command.)
/removemoney amount||id> (This removes the money from the client who executed the command.)
/loadinterior (loads the interior provided is useful for testing or simply for fun).
/giveallweapons (provides the client who executed the command with every weapon in VICECITY ONLY!)