[JS] Police Pursuit

Started by Vortrex, July 15, 2019, 11:59:16 PM

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What is it?

Just a couple simple snippets to make police cars chase you if you have a wanted level.

How it works:

If you have a wanted level, and a police car streams in with a police officer NPC driving it, they'll pursue you. Their speed depends on your wanted level. Obviously having a wanted level of 1 will make it easy to escape, while higher levels get more difficult.


This doesn't spawn any extra vehicles or add higher levels of law enforcement with more vehicles. It only uses what exists to pursue suspects.


https://pastebin.com/kBeBi72vClient Side[/url]

https://pastebin.com/6xfB1eU6Server Side[/url]


Greetings! Can you help me by telling, what files i need to change or create another files with code for police enable?

Is this need to create standalone plugin, include meta.xml and fileclient.js and fileserver.js, or i need to put these code in existing files? I use config "freecam" resource template to play on the server, which coming with used windows client.

I tried to include the code as a separate plugin, but nothing changed. Also I tried to include the code in the config file of freecam template (.js file) in the same file, that use as default, but nothing changed.

Thanks in advance.


I inform to all who need to play freemode with active cops, and who dont understand how to enable this option. You need change iv_gamemode server option to "16". This option change game, and you'l select cops in game menu after connected to server. I don't know what effect made after the connected code in the first post, but I added it to the Freecam client script and I connected the server code as separate server js script.