GTA Connected

Scripting => Scripting Releases => Topic started by: AlexSavr on February 11, 2024, 07:58:41 PM

Title: [JS] Gamemode for fun time in missions
Post by: AlexSavr on February 11, 2024, 07:58:41 PM
A simple gamemode for playing with friends in missions. Basic on GTA:SA, but if u change spawn coords, weapons, veh, skins and mission list - u can play other versions. I planned in future make this (if our game with friends comes to this  ;D )

- Save account and load after connecting
- Starting missions
- Set hp, armour, money, time, wanted level, giving weapons
- Create vehicle by id

Download (

P.S. I put full server because i use modules, and maybe for some this will be a problem. But now you can download and play :)
Title: Re: [JS] Gamemode for fun time in missions
Post by: Vortrex on February 11, 2024, 08:29:32 PM
Good work!

BTW, providing the modules is okay since they will work on any future versions of GTAC, but the server is updated fairly often so they probably  shouldn't package that with your script since it'll be out of date soon.
Title: Re: [JS] Gamemode for fun time in missions
Post by: Toejam on November 04, 2024, 04:12:22 PM
Hello! I am immensely grateful to you and the author of GTA Connected for the opportunity to play with a friend in "single mode" online! You wrote on GitHub that you are not going to support the script. I would like to continue its development. I have a small team with a programmer and a tester. At the moment, we are studying the GTA Connected wiki and some difficulties are arising.

Tell me, does GTA Connect support the drive-by option? When a passenger, while in a car, can shoot from it, like gangs?

I have a example from MTA

P.S. I use google translator, I'm from Russia
function setDoingDriveby ( )
        -- we check if local player isn't currently doing a gang driveby
        if not isPedDoingGangDriveby ( localPlayer ) then
                -- if he got driveby mode off, turn it on
                setPedWeaponSlot ( localPlayer, 4 )
                setPedDoingGangDriveby ( localPlayer, true )
                -- otherwise, turn it off
                setPedWeaponSlot ( localPlayer, 0 )
                setPedDoingGangDriveby ( localPlayer, false )
addCommandHandler ( "driveby", setDoingDriveby )
Title: Re: [JS] Gamemode for fun time in missions
Post by: Vortrex on November 29, 2024, 01:50:15 PM
Quote from: Toejam on November 04, 2024, 04:12:22 PMTell me, does GTA Connect support the drive-by option? When a passenger, while in a car, can shoot from it, like gangs?
Not with scripting, no.