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Scripting => Scripting Releases => Topic started by: Anonymous on July 07, 2019, 03:01:25 AM

Title: [JS] MexUI
Post by: Anonymous on July 07, 2019, 03:01:25 AM
A styleable UI system for input controls and windows


mexui.window(x, y, w, h, title, styles);
All of these return an object of the specified control type.
window.button(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.character(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.characters(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.checkBox(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.digit(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.digits(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.dropDown(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.grid(x, y, w, h, styles);
window.hour(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.image(x, y, w, h, filePath, styles);
window.integer(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.letter(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.letters(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.letterDigit(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.lettersDigits(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.line(x, y, w, h, styles, callback);
window.list(x, y, w, h, styles, callback);
window.minute(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.month(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.number(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.password(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.progressBar(x, y, w, h, text, styles);
window.radioButton(x, y, w, h, text, groupId, styles, callback);
window.rangedInteger(x, y, w, h, text, min, max, styles, callback);
window.rangedNumber(x, y, w, h, text, min, max, styles, callback);
window.rectangle(x, y, w, h, styles, callback);
window.scrollBar(x, y, w, h, isVertical, styles, callback);
window.second(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.slider(x, y, w, h, isVertical, text, minText, maxText, styles, callback);
window.tabPanel(x, y, w, h, styles, callback);
window.text(x, y, w, h, text, styles);
window.textArea(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.textInput(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.time(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.tree(x, y, w, h, styles, callback);
window.week(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);
window.year(x, y, w, h, text, styles, callback);

Controls Methods/Properties
The term "element" here pertains to the object returned by all control types as listed above.
Styles are used as objects, and apply designs to GUI components
Use sub objects (somewhat similar to CSS pseudo classes) for style transitions on specific actions, like hover
    main: {
        backgroundColour: toColour(0, 0, 0, 255),
        textColour: toColour(255, 255, 255, 255),
        hover: {
            backgroundColour: toColour(255, 255, 255, 255),
            textColour: toColour(0, 0, 0, 255),
            transitionTime: 500,
            transitionDelay: 0,