GTA IV Connected won't start. "Galactic32:: Error

Started by FuryCan, April 20, 2024, 03:23:41 PM

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I installed the necessary documentation for the game and I get this error when entering a server in the server list. How can I solve it?


An unhandled exception of type 'Galactic3D::XWin32Exception' occurred
Code: 0x36B1 (14001)
Additional information: Uygulama, yan yana yapılandırması doğru olmadığından başlatılamadı. Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen uygulama olay günlüğüne bakın veya komut satiri sxstrace.exe aracını kullanın.
File: E:\GitHub ModLauncher\Projects\Mod Launcher\ModLauncher.cpp
Function: void *_thiscall CModLauncher::BeginStartingGame(struct HINSTANCE_*,const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, const wchar_t*,struct CinjectedData::tLauncherData *,bool &)
Line: 42


You're missing a required Visual C++ runtime service pack.

Download and install the x86 version from here:


Quote from: Vortrex on April 20, 2024, 04:04:37 PMYou're missing a required Visual C++ runtime service pack.

Download and install the x86 version from here:
I downloaded it, but this time it gives error binkw32.dll (I contacted viaDiscord )