Wiki Page Templates

Started by Vortrex, January 24, 2020, 02:22:11 PM

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The GTA Connected wiki provides several templates to make adding and editing pages easier. Below are a list of commonly used templates with descriptions of accepted values and information. Any field that is indicated as required must be provided or the wiki page will show that documentation for it wasn't added. Please don't leave any pages you add or edit with blank or missing required template values.


the property name ... this is only the name, don't use quotes or include the parent object
what the property returns as a type (int, string, etc)
Boolean indicating whether or not this property's value can be set
Explain what the property does if it's value is set, and what is returned if the value is only read
Explain what the property returns if used as a getter
Any extra information that scripters should be aware of goes here.


The method name ... this is only the name, don't use quotes or parentheses
What the method returns as a type (int, string, etc)
explain what the method does when used
explain what the method returns. Use void if it doesn't return anything
Any extra information that scripters should be aware of goes here.
first argument as [type name description]. Example: "string dataName The string name of the data."
Same as parameter1 but with the second parameter's information
Same as parameter1 but with the third parameter's information